Sunday, December 23, 2012

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General network, so he was very sweaty, is that war made him repair is somewhat sophisticated, two World War II, he abandoned last spear instead of just relying on one pair of fists, gradually the martial arts of the complex simple, sophisticated a lot, and that war last tie.
Then looked dashing figure of a man, but he is aware of that war but he lost the battle, and the man, he does not know the name,adidas air max, but until his sword but chopped!
Qi Jin, that tone sword Jian Qi at once whom have flaws, The mouth cold shouted, he has proximity to rush into, bullying on the the Murong seats in front, punch smacked Zhe Yiquan like space breakdown of the general straight Hongxiang the Murong seats side door, from the beginning to just The two played against thirty strokes Bixuan at the foot of the slightest movement, visible Bixuan repair why such amazing.
Murong I do not answer, he is not ambiguous, soaring sword Jianmang, the sword Zhanxia, ​​sword with Bixuan head-on.
Quanjian intersect the epigraphy of sound came, that hide the underlying strength over fist exhaustively outbreak from is not the first outbreak, but the endless, as if the waves flapping banner Coast generally heavily to each weight are strong over a heavy, full Kokonoe.
Chop the sword on the underlying strength of the outbreak, which implies heavy soft fresh that Quanjin to resolve, shed, under the operation of the with that offset Quanjin around is that he still felt that the underlying strength of the waves, the impact meridians raw so, this man than he wins more than two chips!
Blood Beng above the tiger's mouth flow, the hands of a hemp cut will almost flew Murong Xi teeth, fierce mention infuriating that infuriating meridians running like a flood, Murong seats has been running into a pole cause, Meridian is also pain such as acupuncture, but it is his teeth to hold back the.
head of minimal deviation sorrow without joy into the mysterious realm of the kill, easily dodged, and this is not the purpose Murong seats, with two road Zhi Jin, Murong seats blow mallets bombardment from.
Caught off guard, Bixuan this in mind peen hammer knocked right in the middle of the head at once a halo, fighting for so long, Bixuan had just hit.
Head above the blood long flow grim Murong seats sounded bloody, pain feeling, but also inspire his war, his head as the pain is even more clear and calm, like a mirror, and everything was reflected around in his heart, infuriating running the gap, the underlying strength how to bombardment operation as well as breathing stagnate, running all the between Murong seats heart float.
Hearts of a Si Ming Wu emerged, Murong seats laugh, smile tears emerged out, sipping his face stained bloodstained very grim, the rapid infuriating become tame the pain slowed, power law move to the operation that

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